Silver Mountain Nursery Seedlings
Using our extensive well and irrigation system and in-ground sensors, we provide the seedlings a soil with an ideal moisture content. For the next two years, they are fertilized and attended with tender, loving care.
A very important part of that care is root management. We want a nice balance of good, root growth to plant ratio. The roots should be approximately the same size as the plant they support. To accomplish this, we developed two very special machines for the nursery.
Our Reciprocating Undercutter Wrencher is a precision machine capable of reaching under the moist soil and making a clean cut of the vertical roots without dragging or sweeping the roots. The process also loosens the soil compaction.
The Lateral Root Pruner cleanly cuts the lateral roots, using offset, 20-inch pruning blades—the offset balances the upward turn of one set of blades with the downward turn of the other, thereby preventing the soil from uprooting the seedlings. Together, these two machines result in a nice, dense root base and a healthy seedling for growers.
The seedlings are grown in the seed bed for two years, and then uprooted and replanted in a transplant bed where they will continue to be nurtured and watched. The trees that are ready for the production fields are three years of age, at which time they are again pulled from the ground, the dirt gently shaken from the roots, and then they are moved to an inspection area. Here, they are graded and packaged for storage, delivery, or to be planted in our own fields.